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Securing Remotes

Why should I secure my remotes?

Not securing your remotes is a massive security vulnerability. Exploiters can easily spam remote events that send messages to discord until you either get ratelimited or flatout banned from the proxy. So it is crucial secure your remotes to prevent this from happening.

Basic remote security

To show you how to secure a remote the user feedback example will be used.

The way we will prevent exploiters from spamming our remote is by putting players on cooldown when they fire the remote. So if a player fires the remote it'll put them on a cooldown and until the cooldown duration has passed they will not be able to send anymore feedback.

local sendFeedbackRemote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").SendFeedback
local voyager = require(game:GetService("ServerStorage").voyager)
local webhook ="webhookId", "webhookToken")

sendFeedbackRemote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player : Player, feedback : string)
    local embed =
        :SetColor(Color3.fromRGB(0, 135, 255))
            "Feedback from " .. player.DisplayName, 
            "" .. player.UserId .. "/profile"
            "Account Age",
            "**" .. player.AccountAge .. "** Days"
            "Has Verified Badge?",
            "From Game",
            "[Game Link](" .. game.PlaceId .. ")"

    local _, requestStatus = webhook:SendMessage(nil, { embed })

    if not requestStatus.Success then
        warn("Request was not successful! " .. requestStatus.statusCode .. " " .. requestStatus.statusMessage)

First we will make 2 new variables, the first one will be a table that stores timestamps and the second variable will store a number that'll contain the cooldown duration in seconds.

local voyager = require(game:GetService("ServerStorage").voyager)
local webhook ="webhookId", "webhookToken")

local sendFeedbackRemote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").SendFeedback

local playersOnCooldown = {}
local cooldownDuration = 60 * 10 -- 10 minutes

sendFeedbackRemote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player : Player, feedback : string)
    local embed =
        :SetAuthor("Feedback from " .. player.DisplayName, "" .. player.UserId .. "/profile")
        :SetColor(Color3.fromRGB(0, 135, 255))
        :AddField("Account Age", "**" .. player.AccountAge .. "** Days", true)
        :AddField("Has Verified Badge?", tostring(player.HasVerifiedBadge), true)
        :AddField("From Game", "[Game Link](" .. game.PlaceId .. ")" , true)

    local _, requestStatus = webhook:SendMessage(nil, { embed })

    if not requestStatus.Success then
        warn("Request was not successful! " .. requestStatus.StatusCode .. " " .. requestStatus.StatusMessage)

Now we will need to make a function that'll check if a player can send feedback or not. The way it will decide if someone can send a message is by subtracting the current timestamp by their timestamp. Their timestamp represents when they last sent feedback so the difference will represent the time in seconds since the user sent feedback, then we just need to check if that difference is more or equal to the cooldownDuration variable.

local voyager = require(game:GetService("ServerStorage").voyager)
local webhook ="webhookId", "webhookToken")

local sendFeedbackRemote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").SendFeedback

local playersOnCooldown = {}
local cooldownDuration = 60 * 10 -- 10 minutes

function canSendFeedback(player : Player) : boolean
    if not playersOnCooldown[player] then return true end

        Subtract the current time by the time the player was put on cooldown 
        and check if the difference is more or equal to the cooldownDuration variable
    return (os.time() - playersOnCooldown[player]) >= cooldownDuration

sendFeedbackRemote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player : Player, feedback : string)
    local embed =
        :SetAuthor("Feedback from " .. player.DisplayName, "" .. player.UserId .. "/profile")
        :SetColor(Color3.fromRGB(0, 135, 255))
        :AddField("Account Age", "**" .. player.AccountAge .. "** Days", true)
        :AddField("Has Verified Badge?", tostring(player.HasVerifiedBadge), true)
        :AddField("From Game", "[Game Link](" .. game.PlaceId .. ")" , true)

    local _, requestStatus = webhook:SendMessage(nil, { embed })

    if not requestStatus.Success then
        warn("Request was not successful! " .. requestStatus.StatusCode .. " " .. requestStatus.StatusMessage)

Now all we need to do is check if the player can send feedback using the canSendFeedback function. If they can send feedback we will put them in cooldown and set their timestamp. Also we will add a PlayerRemoving function that removes the player's cooldown from the table if they leave, otherwise the data will never be removed and will stay there until the server shuts down.

local voyager = require(game:GetService("ServerStorage").voyager)
local webhook ="webhookId", "webhookToken")

local sendFeedbackRemote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").SendFeedback

local playersOnCooldown = {}
local cooldownDuration = 60 * 10 -- 10 minutes

function canSendFeedback(player : Player) : boolean
    if not playersOnCooldown[player] then return true end

        Subtract the current time by the time the player was put on cooldown 
        and check if the difference is more or equal to the cooldownDuration variable
    return (os.time() - playersOnCooldown[player]) >= cooldownDuration

game:GetService("Players").PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(player : Player)
    playersOnCooldown[player] = nil

sendFeedbackRemote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player : Player, feedback : string)
    if not canSendFeedback(player) then return end
    playersOnCooldown[player] = os.time()

    local embed =
        :SetAuthor("Feedback from " .. player.DisplayName, "" .. player.UserId .. "/profile")
        :SetColor(Color3.fromRGB(0, 135, 255))
        :AddField("Account Age", "**" .. player.AccountAge .. "** Days", true)
        :AddField("Has Verified Badge?", tostring(player.HasVerifiedBadge), true)
        :AddField("From Game", "[Game Link](" .. game.PlaceId .. ")" , true)

    local _, requestStatus = webhook:SendMessage(nil, { embed })

    if not requestStatus.Success then
        warn("Request was not successful! " .. requestStatus.StatusCode .. " " .. requestStatus.StatusMessage)

And just like that we've made the exploiter's life much harder with a few lines of code. Now they can't spam the remote event anymore, but there is only one issue, they can still just rejoin the server to reset their cooldown, while this is extremely tedious some may still may attempt this. If you'd like to patch this as well check out advanced remote security.

Advanced remote security

Join Lock Method

The easiest way we can solve the rejoining problem is by putting the player on cooldown when they join the game. No regular player would want to send feedback the instant they join a game so this will most likely not affect regular players.

We can do this by simply adding a PlayerAdded event and then putting the player in the playersOnCooldown table.

local voyager = require(game:GetService("ServerStorage").voyager)
local webhook ="webhookId", "webhookToken")

local sendFeedbackRemote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").SendFeedback

local playersOnCooldown = {}
local cooldownDuration = 60 * 10 -- 10 minutes

function canSendFeedback(player : Player) : boolean
    if not playersOnCooldown[player] then return true end

        Subtract the current time by the time the player was put on cooldown 
        and check if the difference is more or equal to the cooldownDuration variable
    return (os.time() - playersOnCooldown[player]) >= cooldownDuration

game:GetService("Players").PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player : Player)
    playersOnCooldown[player] = os.time()

game:GetService("Players").PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(player : Player)
    playersOnCooldown[player] = nil

sendFeedbackRemote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player : Player, feedback : string)
    if not canSendFeedback(player) then return end
    playersOnCooldown[player] = os.time()

    local embed =
        :SetAuthor("Feedback from " .. player.DisplayName, "" .. player.UserId .. "/profile")
        :SetColor(Color3.fromRGB(0, 135, 255))
        :AddField("Account Age", "**" .. player.AccountAge .. "** Days", true)
        :AddField("Has Verified Badge?", tostring(player.HasVerifiedBadge), true)
        :AddField("From Game", "[Game Link](" .. game.PlaceId .. ")" , true)

    local _, requestStatus = webhook:SendMessage(nil, { embed })

    if not requestStatus.Success then
        warn("Request was not successful! " .. requestStatus.StatusCode .. " " .. requestStatus.StatusMessage)

Datastore Method

Another way to solve this by storing the timestamp in a datastore, while this is more tedious to implement it allows us to set higher cooldown durations. Since the user's cooldown will still go down while they are offline, it doesn't force the user to wait for the join lock to go away just to send feedback.

A regular datastore will be used for the sake of simplicity, but this can be done with any datastore module.

First we will change cooldownDuration to last a week. Then we'll get the necessary dependencies like the Datastore and the PlayersSerivce.

local voyager = require(game:GetService("ServerStorage").voyager)
local webhook ="webhookId", "webhookToken")

local playerService = game:GetService("Players")
local datastoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local cooldownDatastore = datastoreService:GetDataStore("feedbackCooldown")
local sendFeedbackRemote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").SendFeedback

local cooldownDuration = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 -- 1 week
local playersOnCooldown = {}

function canSendFeedback(player : Player) : boolean
    if not playersOnCooldown[player] then return true end

        Subtract the current time by the time the player was put on cooldown 
        and check if the difference is more or equal to the cooldownDuration variable
    return (os.time() - playersOnCooldown[player]) >= cooldownDuration

playerService.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(player : Player)
    playersOnCooldown[player] = nil

sendFeedbackRemote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player : Player, feedback : string)
    if not canSendFeedback(player) then return end
    playersOnCooldown[player] = os.time()

    local embed =
        :SetColor(Color3.fromRGB(0, 135, 255))
            "Feedback from " .. player.DisplayName, 
            "" .. player.UserId .. "/profile"
            "Account Age", 
            "**" .. player.AccountAge .. "** Days"
            "Has Verified Badge?", 
            "From Game", 
            "[Game Link](" .. game.PlaceId .. ")"

    local _, requestStatus = webhook:SendMessage(nil, { embed })

    if not requestStatus.Success then
        warn("Request was not successful! " .. requestStatus.StatusCode .. " " .. requestStatus.StatusMessage)

Now we'll add a PlayerAdded event, and in that event we will fetch the player's timestamp and add it to the playersOnCooldown table.

local voyager = require(game:GetService("ServerStorage").voyager)
local webhook ="webhookId", "webhookToken")

local playerService = game:GetService("Players")
local datastoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local cooldownDatastore = datastoreService:GetDataStore("feedbackCooldown")
local sendFeedbackRemote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").SendFeedback

local cooldownDuration = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 -- 1 week
local playersOnCooldown = {}

function canSendFeedback(player : Player) : boolean
    if not playersOnCooldown[player] then return true end

        Subtract the current time by the time the player was put on cooldown 
        and check if the difference is more or equal to the cooldownDuration variable
    return (os.time() - playersOnCooldown[player]) >= cooldownDuration

playerService.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player : Player)
    local success, result = pcall(function()
        playersOnCooldown[player] = cooldownDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId)

    if not success then 
        warn("Unable to fetch " .. player.Name .. "'s data! " .. result)

playerService.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(player : Player)
    playersOnCooldown[player] = nil

sendFeedbackRemote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player : Player, feedback : string)
    if not canSendFeedback(player) then return end
    playersOnCooldown[player] = os.time()

    local embed =
        :SetColor(Color3.fromRGB(0, 135, 255))
            "Feedback from " .. player.DisplayName, 
            "" .. player.UserId .. "/profile"
            "Account Age", 
            "**" .. player.AccountAge .. "** Days"
            "Has Verified Badge?", 
            "From Game", 
            "[Game Link](" .. game.PlaceId .. ")"

    local _, requestStatus = webhook:SendMessage(nil, { embed })

    if not requestStatus.Success then
        warn("Request was not successful! " .. requestStatus.StatusCode .. " " .. requestStatus.StatusMessage)

Now we'll edit the PlayerRemoving event to save the player's timestamp before removing it from the playersOnCooldown table.

local voyager = require(game:GetService("ServerStorage").voyager)
local webhook ="webhookId", "webhookToken")

local playerService = game:GetService("Players")
local datastoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local cooldownDatastore = datastoreService:GetDataStore("feedbackCooldown")
local sendFeedbackRemote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").SendFeedback

local cooldownDuration = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 -- 1 week
local playersOnCooldown = {}

function canSendFeedback(player : Player) : boolean
    if not playersOnCooldown[player] then return true end

        Subtract the current time by the time the player was put on cooldown 
        and check if the difference is more or equal to the cooldownDuration variable
    return (os.time() - playersOnCooldown[player]) >= cooldownDuration

playerService.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player : Player)
    local success, result = pcall(function()
        playersOnCooldown[player] = cooldownDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId)

    if not success then 
        warn("Unable to fetch " .. player.Name .. "'s data! " .. result)

playerService.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(player : Player)
    if not playersOnCooldown[player] then return end

    local success, result = pcall(function()
        cooldownDatastore:SetAsync(player.UserId, playersOnCooldown[player], { player.UserId })

    if not success then 
        warn(player.Name "'s data was not saved! " .. result) 

    playersOnCooldown[player] = nil

sendFeedbackRemote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player : Player, feedback : string)
    if not canSendFeedback(player) then return end
    playersOnCooldown[player] = os.time()

    local embed =
        :SetColor(Color3.fromRGB(0, 135, 255))
            "Feedback from " .. player.DisplayName, 
            "" .. player.UserId .. "/profile"
            "Account Age", 
            "**" .. player.AccountAge .. "** Days"
            "Has Verified Badge?", 
            "From Game", 
            "[Game Link](" .. game.PlaceId .. ")"

    local _, requestStatus = webhook:SendMessage(nil, { embed })

    if not requestStatus.Success then
        warn("Request was not successful! " .. requestStatus.StatusCode .. " " .. requestStatus.StatusMessage)

And lasty we will add a BindToClose event to ensure data isn't lost when the server shuts down.

local voyager = require(game:GetService("ServerStorage").voyager)
local webhook ="webhookId", "webhookToken")

local playerService = game:GetService("Players")
local datastoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local cooldownDatastore = datastoreService:GetDataStore("feedbackCooldown")
local sendFeedbackRemote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").SendFeedback

local cooldownDuration = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 -- 1 week
local playersOnCooldown = {}

function canSendFeedback(player : Player) : boolean
    if not playersOnCooldown[player] then return true end

        Subtract the current time by the time the player was put on cooldown 
        and check if the difference is more or equal to the cooldownDuration variable
    return (os.time() - playersOnCooldown[player]) >= cooldownDuration

playerService.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player : Player)
    local success, result = pcall(function()
        playersOnCooldown[player] = cooldownDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId)

    if not success then 
        warn("Unable to fetch " .. player.Name .. "'s data! " .. result)

playerService.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(player : Player)
    if not playersOnCooldown[player] then return end

    local success, result = pcall(function()
        cooldownDatastore:UpdateAsync(player.UserId, function(storedValue: number?, keyInfo : DataStoreKeyInfo) 
            return playersOnCooldown[player], { player.UserId }

    if not success then 
        warn(player.Name "'s data was not saved! " .. result) 

    playersOnCooldown[player] = nil

    for _, player in playerService:GetPlayers() do
        if not playersOnCooldown[player] then continue end

        local success, result = pcall(function()
            cooldownDatastore:UpdateAsync(player.UserId, function(storedValue: number?, keyInfo : DataStoreKeyInfo) 
                return playersOnCooldown[player], { player.UserId }

        if not success then 
            warn(player.Name "'s data was not saved! " .. result) 

sendFeedbackRemote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player : Player, feedback : string)
    if not canSendFeedback(player) then return end
    playersOnCooldown[player] = os.time()

    local embed =
        :SetColor(Color3.fromRGB(0, 135, 255))
            "Feedback from " .. player.DisplayName, 
            "" .. player.UserId .. "/profile"
            "Account Age", 
            "**" .. player.AccountAge .. "** Days"
            "Has Verified Badge?", 
            "From Game", 
            "[Game Link](" .. game.PlaceId .. ")"

    local _, requestStatus = webhook:SendMessage(nil, { embed })

    if not requestStatus.Success then
        warn("Request was not successful! " .. requestStatus.StatusCode .. " " .. requestStatus.StatusMessage)

And thats it! Now our feedback example is way more robust as it cannot be spammed by exploiters anymore.